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Working Paper

Time to Tenure: Does Tenure Reform Affect Teacher Absence Behavior and Mobility?

Dan Goldhaber, Michael Hansen, Joe Walch


We rely on natural experiments in North Carolina and Washington State, which previously extended time to tenure by one year, to estimate models that assess the relationship between the extended probationary period and absence and attrition outcomes for teachers affected by the new tenure laws. Across both states we find evidence of decreases in teacher absences for probationary teachers who are subject to the new extended tenure laws, and in Washington, we find a significant reduction in absences in the specific year in which tenure was extended. We find mixed evidence for teacher attrition and mobility.

Research Area
Education Systems & Policies
Teacher Workforce
Dan Goldhaber, Michael Hansen, Joe Walch (2016). Time to Tenure: Does Tenure Reform Affect Teacher Absence Behavior and Mobility?. CALDER Working Paper No. 172-1216