This CALDER research brief builds on pioneering research by the Measures of Effective Teaching Project (Kane et al., 2013) and Jackson (2018) to...
Dan Goldhaber
Dr. Dan Goldhaber is the Director of the Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER, at the American Institutes for Research and the Director of the Center for Education Data & Research (CEDR, at the University of Washington. Both CALDER and CEDR are focused on using state administrative data to do research that informs decisions about policy and practice.
Dan’s work focuses on issues of educational productivity and reform at the K-12 level, the broad array of human capital policies that influence the composition, distribution, and quality of teachers in the workforce, and connections between students' K-12 experiences and postsecondary outcomes. Topics of published work in this area include studies of the stability of value-added measures of teachers, the effects of teacher qualifications and quality on student achievement, and the impact of teacher pay structure and licensure on the teacher labor market.
Dan’s research has been regularly published in leading peer-reviewed economic and education journals such as: American Economic Review, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Policy and Management, Economics of Education Review, Education Finance and Policy, and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. The findings from these articles have been covered in more widely accessible media outlets such as National Public Radio, the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, and Education Week. Dan previously served as president of the Association for Education Finance and Policy (2006-2017), an elected member of the Alexandria City School Board from 1997-2002, and as co-editor of Education Finance and Policy.
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Indiana, Oklahoma, and Washington each have programs designed to address college enrollment gaps by offering a promise of state-based college...
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UTeach is a well-known, university-based program designed to increase the number of high-quality STEM teachers in the workforce. Despite...
We rely on natural experiments in North Carolina and Washington State, which previously extended time to tenure by one year, to estimate models...
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We use longitudinal data from Washington State to provide estimates of the extent to which performance on the edTPA, a performance-based, subject-...
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Using administrative longitudinal data from five states, we study how value-added measures of teacher performance are affected...
We find that teachers who student taught in...
Most public school teachers in the United States are enrolled in defined benefit (DB) pension plans. Using administrative micro data from four...
We use data from Washington state to examine two distinct stages of the teacher pipeline: the placement of prospective teachers in student...
Due to data limitations, very little is known about patterns of teacher cross-state mobility. The issue is important because barriers to cross-...
Due to data limitations, very little is known about patterns of teacher cross-state mobility. The issue is important because barriers to cross-...
Public pension systems in many U.S. states face large funding shortfalls. Movement toward defined contribution (DC) pension structures may reduce...
Public pension systems in many U.S. states face large funding shortfalls. Movement toward defined contribution (DC) pension structures may reduce...
Few studies examine employee responses to layoff-induced unemployment risk; none that we know of quantify the impact of job insecurity on...
We investigate patterns of teacher mobility in districts with different collective bargaining agreement (CBA) transfer provisions. We use detailed...
Online courses at the college level are growing in popularity, and nearly all community colleges offer online courses (Allen & Seaman, 2015)....
Students are typically given a large amount of freedom to choose the level of “curricular dispersion:” the tight focus or lack thereof in the...
One consequence of the Great Recession is that teacher layoffs occurred at a scale previously unseen. In this paper we assess the effects of...
Evidence suggests that teacher hiring in public schools is ad hoc and often fails to result in good selection among applicants. Some districts use...
This paper studies the pension preferences of Washington State public school teachers by examining two periods of time during which teachers were...
We evaluate whether there is a causal connection between changes in wages by occupation and subsequent changes in the number of college majors...
We use a unique longitudinal sample of student teachers (“interns”) from six Washington state teacher training institutions to investigate...
We study a popular dual enrollment program in Washington State using a new administrative database linking high school and postsecondary...
In this descriptive paper we detail the structure of two Washington State teacher retirement plans: a traditional defined benefit plan and a...
This paper addresses two questions: How well do teachers understand their current pension plans? And, what do they think about alternative plan...
Reform advocates and policymakers concerned about the quality and distribution of teachers support proposals of alternative compensation for...
Reforming teacher tenure is an idea that appears to be gaining traction with the underlying assumption being that one can infer to a reasonable...
Most studies that have fueled alarm over the attrition and mobility rates of teachers have relied on proxy indicators of teacher quality, even...
Feeling the Florida Heat?: How Low-Performing Schools Respond to Voucher and Accountability PressureThis paper examines the effect of accountability policy on school practices and student outcomes with remarkably comprehensive and detailed data...
Most studies that have fueled alarm over the attrition and mobility rates of high-quality teachers have relied on proxy indicators of teacher...
This paper explores the relationship between teacher testing and teacher effectiveness using a unique dataset that links teachers to their...
Over 2000 teachers in Washington state received reduction-in-force (RIF) notices in the past two years. Linking data on these RIF notices to a...
With teacher quality repeatedly cited as the most important schooling factor influencing student achievement, there has been increased interest in...
In a provocative and influential paper, Jesse Rothstein (2010) finds that standard value-added models (VAMs) suggest implausible future teacher...
In this paper we report on work estimating the stability of value-added estimates of teacher effects, an important area of investigation given...
This paper studies the pension preferences of Washington State public school teachers by examining two periods of time during which teachers were...
In the News
June 22, 2022U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
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March 11, 2021Education Week
March 5, 2021Harvard Graduate School of Education
March 1, 2021The Seattle Times
February 9, 2021AIR
February 4, 2021Disability Scoop
February 4, 2021The Fordham Institute
February 2, 2021U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee
May 21, 2020NCTQ
February 18, 2020Eduwonk
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August 21, 2017CNN
April 26, 2017The Brookings Institution
March 30, 2017eSchool News
July 25, 2016The 74
July 11, 2016Education Week
June 14, 2016Policy Analysis for California Education
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February 23, 2016The 74
February 3, 2016Tampa Bay Times
February 3, 2016The Hechinger Report
January 28, 2016Washington Monthly
January 23, 2016The Courier Journal
January 21, 2016US News and World Report
January 20, 2016Thomas B. Fordham Institute
January 19, 2016The 74
January 6, 2016Education Week (Rick Hess Straight Up Blog)
December 20, 2015EdSource
November 19, 2015Brookings Institution (Blog)
November 19, 2015Education Week
September 11, 2015Chalkbeat Indiana
March 23, 2015The Hill
March 9, 2015LA Times
January 28, 2015Education Dive
January 25, 2015US News & World Report
January 15, 2015TIME
November 25, 2014Warwick Beacon
November 14, 2014The Seattle Times
November 1, 2014The Times
November 1, 2014The Times
June 11, 2014
May 26, 2014San Mateo County Times
Area of Expertise
- Teacher Quality
- Teacher Labor Markets
- Teacher pay and licensure & the effects of accountability systems and market competition on K-12 schooling