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Working Paper

The Education and Earnings Returns to Postsecondary Technical Education: Evidence from Missouri

Maxwell J. Cook, Cory Koedel, Michael Reda


We estimate the education and earnings returns to enrolling in technical two-year degree programs at community colleges in Missouri. A unique feature of the Missouri context is the presence of a highly-regarded, nationally-ranked technical college: State Technical College of Missouri (State Tech). Compared to enrolling in a non-technical community college program, we find that enrolling in a technical program at State Tech greatly increases students' likelihoods of graduation and earnings. In contrast, there is no evidence that technical education programs at other Missouri community colleges increase graduation rates, and our estimates of the earnings impacts of these other programs are much smaller than for State Tech. Our findings exemplify the importance of institutional differences in driving the efficacy of technical education and suggest great potential for high-quality programs to improve student

Research Area
Post-Secondary Transitions & Pathways
Student Outcomes & Achivement
Maxwell J. Cook, Cory Koedel, Michael Reda (2022). The Education and Earnings Returns to Postsecondary Technical Education: Evidence from Missouri. CALDER Working Paper No. 265-0422