9th Annual CALDER Conference
This year's conference brought together prominent education researchers & funders with policy makers & practitioners to have a dialogue about the types of research being produced and how the work ends up being used in the field.
You can look back on this year's conference by following us on Twitter @caldercenter and tracking our hashtag #CALDER2016
You can also see our Storify from this year's conference here.
2016 CALDER Conference Materials
We invite you to learn more about the 2016 Annual CALDER Conference proceedings using the resources below:
Full conference schedule:
To view the schedule as a PDF, click here.
Continental Breakfast
Jane Hannaway, Georgetown University/CALDER
“School Personnel and Student Outcomes: The Role of Support Staff in Elementary and Middle Schools in North Carolina”
Presenter: Helen Ladd, Duke University/CALDER
Coauthor(s): Charles Clotfelter, Duke University/CALDER, Steve Hemelt, University of North Carolina/CALDER
“Teacher Turnover, Teacher Quality and Student Achievement in DCPS”
Presenter: Jim Wyckoff, University of Virginia/CALDER
Coauthor(s): Melinda Adnot, University of Virginia, Thomas Dee, Stanford University, and Veronica Katz, University of Virginia
Reactor: Scott Thompson, Deputy Chief for Innovation and Design, Office of Instructional Practice, District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS)
“Benefit or Burden? On the Intergenerational Inequity of Teacher Pension Plans”
Presenter: Cory Koedel, University of Missouri/CALDER
Co-Authors: Ben Backes, American Institutes for Research/CALDER, Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research/CALDER, Cyrus Grout, University of Washington, Shawn Ni, University of Missouri, Michael Podgursky, University of Missouri/CALDER, P. Brett Xiang, University of Missouri, & Zeyu Xu, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
“The Common Core Conundrum: To What Extent Should We Worry That Changes to Assessments and Standards Will Affect Test-Based Measures of Teacher Performance?”
Presenter: Ben Backes, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
Coauthor(s): James Cowan, American Institutes for Research/CALDER, Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research/CALDER, Cory Koedel, University of Missouri, Luke Miller, University of Virginia/CALDER, Zeyu Xu, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
Reactor: Carrie Conaway, Associate Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
"Performance and Recognition in the Labor Market for Principals."
Presenter: Steven Rivkin, University of Texas at Dallas
Co-Authors: Julie Cullen, University of California, San Diego, Greg Phelan Williams College, and Rick Hanushek, Stanford University/CALDER
“The Impacts of Layoff Notices on Teacher Mobility and Effectiveness”
Presenter: Katharine Strunk, University of Southern California
Co-Authors: Nate Brown, University of Washington, Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research/CALDER and David Knight, University of Southern California
Reactor: Tennille Jeffries-Simmons, Chief Human Resources Officer, Spokane (WA) Public Schools
PANEL IV: In and Out of School: When Bad Things Happen to Students
“The Effects of Environmental Toxicants on Cognitive and Behavioral Outcomes”
Presenter: David Figlio, Northwestern University/CALDER
Coauthor(s): Claudia Persico, Northwestern University & Jeffrey Roth, University of Florida
"Do the Cheated Ever Prosper? The Long-Run Effects of Test-Score Manipulation by Teachers on Student Outcomes"
Presenter: Tim Sass, Georgia State University/CALDER
Reactor: Andrew Rotherham, Co-Founder and Partner, Policy and Thought Leadership, Bellwether Education Partners