15th Annual CALDER Conference
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:30 AM EDT - Wednesday, March 13, 2024 2:30 PM EDT EST
Join us for the 15th Annual CALDER Conference on Wednesday, March 13, 2024. This is a one-day meeting featuring research from some of our CALDER experts and university-based affiliates. The conference will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Arlington, VA.
Conference Agenda
We invite you to learn more about the 2024 CALDER Conference proceedings using the resources below:
Download a PDF version of the agenda here.
8:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 a.m.—9:15 a.m. Welcome and Special Announcements
Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research (AIR)/CALDER
9:15 a.m.—10:45 a.m. SESSION I: ESSER's End: Where Are We on Achievement & Staffing Schools?
Four Years Later: Where are We on the Road to Recovery?
Presenter: Emily Morton, AIR/CALDER
Teacher Effectiveness and Remote Instruction
Presenter: Tim Sass, Georgia State University, CALDER
Co-Authors: Cade Lawson, Georgia State University
How Will ESSER's Ending Affect School Staffing?
Presenter: Dan Goldhaber, AIR/CALDER
Co-Authors: Grace Falken, University of Washington/CEDR, Roddy Theobald, AIR/CALDER
Discussant: Matt Barnum, Wall Street Journal
10:45 a.m.—12:15 p.m. SESSION II: Policy Experiments, Evidence, and Revision: What Are the Incentives for Risk-Taking?
Kirsten Baesler, North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction
Akisha Osei Sarfo, Director of Research, Council of the Great City Schools
James Wyckoff, Professor of Education and Public Policy, Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia
Moderator, Dan Goldhaber, AIR/CALDER
12:15 p.m.—1:00 p.m. LUNCH
1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m. SESSION III: From Compensation to Conditions: Different Tools for Influencing the Teacher Workforce
The Effects of Comprehensive Educator Evaluation and Pay Reform on Achievement
Presenter: Steven Rivkin, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Texas at Dallas, NBER, CALDER
Co-Authors: Eric Hanushek, Stanford University, CALDER, Jin Luo, University of Texas at Dallas, Andrew Morgan, University College London, Ben Ost, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Ayman Shakeel, University of Illinois at Chicago
Pre-K Enrollments and Teaching Environments in North Carolina Elementary Schools
Presenter: Helen Ladd, Duke University, CALDER
Co-Authors: Clara Muschkin, Duke University, Maria Sauval, University of California, Irvine
The Impact of a $10,000 Bonus on Special Education Teacher Shortages in Hawai’i
Presenter: Roddy Theobald, AIR/CALDER
Co-Authors: Zeyu Xu, AIR/CALDER, Allison Gilmour, AIR, Lisa Lachlan-Hache, AIR/GTL Center, Liz Bettini, Boston University, and Nathan Jones, Boston University
Discussant: Jill Barshay, The Hechinger Report