11th Annual CALDER Conference
This year's conference brought together prominent education researchers & funders with policy makers & practitioners to have a dialogue about the types of research being produced and how the work ends up being used in the field.
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2018 CALDER Conference Materials
We invite you to learn more about the 2018 Annual CALDER Conference proceedings using the resources below:
To view schedule as a PDF, click here
Continental Breakfast
8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Brief Welcome and CALDER Update: Introducing CALDER 3.0
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research/CALDER
Thomas Brock, Commissioner, National Center for Education Research, Delegated the Duties of IES Director
PANEL I: K-12 Student Achievement Gaps: What Are the Contributing Factors, and What Can Be Done About Them
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
“Teacher Quality Gaps and Student Achievement”
Presenter: Dan Goldhaber, University of Washington & AIR/CALDER
Co-Authors: Roddy Theobald, AIR/CALDER & Danielle Fumia, Washington State Institute for Public Policy
“Math Acceleration in Elementary School: Access and Effects on Student Outcomes”
Presenter: Steve Hemelt, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill/CALDER
Co-Authors: Matthew Lenard, Wake County Public School System, B. Aspacia Stafford, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Paper (Forthcoming) | Presentation
“Labor Market Implications of Altered Teacher Evaluation and Compensation”
Presenter: Steven Rivkin, University of Illinois at Chicago/CALDER
Co-Authors: Eric Hanushek, Stanford University/CALDER,Andrew Morgan, University of Illinois, Minh Nguyen, University of Illinois
Paper (Forthcoming) | Presentation
Reactor: Stacey Preis, Deputy Commissioner for the Division of Learning Services, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
PANEL II: Panel II: Policy and Practice Potpourri
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
“Reaching Further and Learning More? Evaluating Public Impact's Opportunity Culture Initiative”
Presenter: Ben Backes, AIR/CALDER
Co-Authors: Ben Backes, AIR/CALDER, Michael Hansen, The Brookings Institution
“Making the Cut: The Effectiveness of Teacher Screening and Hiring in the Los Angeles Unified School District”
Presenter: Katharine Strunk, Michigan State University/CALDER
Co-Authors: Paul Bruno, University of Southern California
“Can UTeach? Assessing the Relative Effectiveness of STEM Teachers”
Presenter: Ben Backes, AIR/CALDER
Co-Authors: Dan Goldhaber, University of Washington & AIR/CALDER , Whitney Cade, AIR, Kate Sullivan, AIR, Melissa Dodson, AIR
Reactor: Carrie Conaway, Chief Strategy and Research Officer, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Lunch Break
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
PANEL III: Prospects for Changing Higher Education
1:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
"High School Course Access and Postsecondary STEM Enrollment and Attainment"
Presenter: Cory Koedel, U. of Missouri/CALDER
Co-Author: Rajeev Darolia, U. of Kentucky, Joyce Main, Purdue University, Felix Ndashimye, U. of Missouri, Junpeng Yan, U. of Missouri
“Identifying Effective Career Pathways for Disadvantaged Students in Community College”
Presenter: Harry Holzer , Georgetown/CALDER
Co-Author: Zeyu Xu, AIR/CALDER, Gerhard Ottehenning, AIR/CALDER
Paper (Forthcoming) | Presentation | Tables
“Unequal Colleges in the Age of Disparity”
Presenter: Charlie Clotfelter, Duke/CALDER
Reactor: Cara Jackson, Evaluation Specialist for the Office of Shared Accountability, Montgomery County Public Schools
2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Panel IV: Dealing with the 3rd Rail: The Politics of Data Access
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Facilitated dialog about access to data across multiple states
Participants: Charlie Clotfelter (Duke/CALDER), Carrie Conaway (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Dan Goldhaber (University of Washington & AIR/CALDER), Jane Hannaway (Georgetown/CALDER), Tim Sass (Georgia State University /CALDER), Katharine Strunk (Michigan State University/CALDER), Rick Hanushek (Stanford/CALDER)