THURSDAY, MARCH 13 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Session: 1.01 Teacher Effectiveness and Personnel Decision Making Room: Conference Room 8, Third Floor Performance Screens for School Improvement: The Case of Teacher Tenure Reform in New York City Authors: SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER LUKE C. MILLER University of Virginia/CALDER JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER Assessing Principals’ Assessments: A Closer Look at Subjective Evaluations of Teacher Effectiveness Authors: JASON A. GRISSOM Vanderbilt University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER Session: 1.07 The Impact of Accountability on Teachers Room: Conference Room 12, Third Floor Teacher Academic Ability, Encouraging Long-Term Evidence Authors: ANDREW MCEACHIN North Carolina State University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER HAMILTON LANKFORD State University of New York Albany/CALDER LUKE C. MILLER University of Virginia/CALDER JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER When Incentives Matter Too Much: Explaining Significant Responses to Irrelevant Information Authors: TOM AHN University of Kentucky JACOB VIGDOR Duke University/CALDER Teacher-Level Responses to High-Stakes Testing: Examining the Prevalence and Predictors of Teaching to the Test Authors: MICHAEL HANSEN American Institutes for Research/CALDER UMUT OZEK American Institutes for Research/CALDER THOMAS GONZALEZ American Institutes for Research/CALDER 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. First General Session Room: Salon M, Third Floor Presidential Address JANE HANNAWAY American Institutes for Research/CALDER 2:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Session: 2.01 The Market for Schooling: How Families Choose Schools Room: Conference Room 11, Third Floor Going to Great Lengths: Parental Choice and New Orleans Public Schools Before and After Katrina Authors: DOUGLAS N. HARRIS Tulane University/CALDER MATTHEW LARSEN Tulane University JILL ZIMMERMAN Louisiana Department of Education About What and From Whom? How the Provision of School Quality Information Affects Choosers' Attitudes, Behaviors, and Outcomes Authors: JON VALIANT Stanford University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER Session: 2.02 Educator Pensions Room: Conference Room 2, Third Floor Pension Choices and the Sorting Patterns of Public School Teachers Authors: DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington/CALDER CYRUS GROUT University of Washington How Well Do Teacher Pension Plans Work for Charter and Urban School Teachers? Authors: MICHAEL PODGURSKY University of Missouri-Columbia/CALDER CORY KOEDEL University of Missouri-Columbia/CALDER SHAWN NI University of Missouri-Columbia P. BRETT XIANG University of Missouri-Columbia 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Session: 3.04 Policy Considerations in the Implementation of Multiple Measure Teacher Evaluation Systems Room: Conference Room 11, Third Floor Policy Considerations in the Implementation of Multiple Measure Teacher Evaluation Systems Authors: RYAN BALCH Baltimore City Schools CORY KOEDEL University of Missouri-Columbia/CALDER Session: 3.07 Teacher Quality: How Do Different Measures Compare? Room: Conference Room 12, Third Floor Is a Good Teacher Always Good: Assessing the Effectiveness of Teachers Across Math and Reading Authors: DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington-Bothell/CALDER JAMES COWEN Center for Education & Data | FRIDAY, MARCH 14 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Session: 4.01 Compensation Reforms and Teacher Retention Room: Conference Room 11, Third Floor Financial Incentives to Promote Teacher Retention: An Exploratory Study of the Florida Critical Teacher Shortage Program Authors: LI FENG Texas State University/CALDER TIM SASS Georgia State University/CALDER Session: 4.08 Community College Degrees and Transfers Room: Conference Room 6, Third Floor America's College Drop-Out Epidemic: Understanding the College Drop-Out Population Authors: ERIN DUNLOP VELEZ American Institutes for Research/CALDER 9:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Session: 5.01 Teacher Effectiveness Room: Conference Room 14, Third Floor Public School Teacher Mobility: Application of the Bayesian Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimator Authors: LI FENG Texas State University/CALDER JAMES LESAGE Texas State University Session: 5.04 The Effects of Teachers' Union and Collective Bargaining Room: Conference Room 7, Third Floor Inconvenient Truth? Do Collective Bargaining Agreements Help Explain the Inequitable Distribution of Teachers Within School Districts? Authors: DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington-Bothell/CALDER LESLEY LAVERY Macalester College RODDY THEOBALD University of Washington Using Teacher Value-Added Estimates to Test the Relationship between Collective Bargaining Agreements and the “Teacher Quality Gap" Authors: LI FENG Texas State University/CALDER LORA COHEN-VOGEL UNC - Chapel Hill LA'TARA OSBORNE-LAMPKIN Florida State University Session: 5.07 School Reform Room: Conference Room 10, Third Floor Inconvenient Truth? Do Collective Bargaining Agreements Help Explain the Inequitable Distribution of Teachers Within School Districts? Authors: CHRISTINA LICALSI LABELLE Northwestern University DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER Session: 5.08 Community College Degrees and Transfers Room: Conference Room 11, Third Floor Community College Transfer Students: How They Choose Four-Year Colleges and Does It Matter? Authors: BEN BACKES American Institutes for Research/CALDER ERIN DUNLOP VELEZ American Institutes for Research/CALDER Session: 5.11 The Influence of Schools on Neighborhoods Room: Conference Room 15, Third Floor The End of School Desegregation: Its Impact on Residential Segregation Authors: SUN JUNG OH Syracuse University ROBERT BIFULCO Syracuse University/CALDER 1:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Session: 6.01 Equity of Effective Teaching Room: Conference Room 11, Third Floor Uneven Playing Field? Assessing the Inequity of Teacher Characteristics and Measured Performance Across Students Authors: DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington-Bothell/CALDER LESLEY LAVERY Macalester College RODDY THEOBALD University of Washington-Bothell Teacher Churning and Student Achievement Authors: ALLISON ATTEBERRY University of Virginia SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER Session: 6.07 The Role of Aid and Returns to Community College Completion Room: Conference Room 9, Third Floor Way Station or Launching Pad? Unpacking the Returns to Postsecondary Adult Education in Tennessee Authors: CELESTE K. CARRUTHERS University of Tennessee/CALDER THOMAS SANFORD St. Cloud State University 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Session: 7.01 Managing the Teacher Workforce in the District of Columbia Room: Conference Room 11, Third Floor The Stages of Hiring: Evidence from Rich Data on Applicants, Interviewees, and New Teachers Authors: RACHEL ROSEN University of Michigan BRIAN A. JACOB University of Michigan BENJAMIN LINDY Teach for America JONAH ROCKOFF Columbia University/CALDER ERIC TAYLOR Stanford University Incentives, Selection, and Teacher Performance Authors: THOMAS DEE Stanford University JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER Session: 7.02 Society and Schools Room: Conference Room 3, Third Floor Immigrants in Public Education: A Closer Look at Intergenerational Differences Authors: UMUT OZEK American Institutes for Research/CALDER DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER Session: 7.03 Value-Added Methodologies and Teacher Effectiveness Room: Conference Room 7, Third Floor Learning that Lasts: Unpacking Variation in Teachers' Effects on Students' Long-Term Knowledge Authors: BENJAMIN MASTER Stanford University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER Session: 7.07 For-Profit Colleges Room: Conference Room 10, Third Floor Do Employers Prefer Workers Who Attended For-Profit Colleges? Evidence From a Field Experiment Authors: RAJEEV DAROLIA University of Missouri-Columbia CORY KOEDEL University of Missouri-Columbia/CALDER PACO MARTORELL RAND Corporation KATIE WILSON RAND Corporation 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Poster Session Room: Salon F School Resources and Dropout Rate in Texas Authors: BRYCE CASHELL Texas State University DAVID POPE Texas State University ANDREW SHEPARD Texas State University LI FENG Texas State University/CALDER The Return to the Net Price of College - Conditional on Quality, Are More Expensive Always Better? Authors: ERIN DUNLOP VELEZ American Institutes for Research/CALDER | SATURDAY, MARCH 15 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Session: 8.03 Market Effects on Higher Education Room: Conference Room 10, Third Floor Do Students' College Major Choices Respond to Changes in Wages? Authors: MARK LONG University of Washington DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington/CALDER NICHOLAS KLEIN-HUNTINGTON University of Washington Session: 8.05 School Reforms Room: Conference Room 12, Third Floor The Distributional Effects of Small Schools Authors: STUART TAKIAR JENKINS Northwestern University DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER Session: 8.07 Teacher Compensation, Training and Measuring Their Added Value Room: Conference Room 11, Third Floor The Effects of Performance-Based Compensation: Evidence from the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) Authors: ALEX SMITH University of Virginia THOMAS DEE Stanford University JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER Teacher Incentive Fund Impacts in Virginia Authors: ALLISON ATTEBERRY University of Virginia ALEX SMITH University of Virginia JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER Session: 8.08 Academic and Economic Outcomes of “Promise” Scholarships Room: Conference Room 5, Third Floor Estimating the Effects of Say Yes to Education in Syracuse: An Application of Synthetic Control Methods Authors: ROBERT BIFULCO Syracuse University/CALDER ROSS RUBENSTEIN Syracuse University HOSUNG SOHN Syracuse University Is Traditional College Aid Too Little, Too Late? Impacts on High School Outcomes from a Cluster Randomized Trial of a Performance-Based Early College Scholarship Author: DOUGLAS N. HARRIS Tulane University/CALDER 9:45 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Session: 9.07 Health Interventions and Academic Outcomes Room: Salon L, Third Floor A Population-Level Study of the Effects of Early Intervention for Autism Authors: DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER JANET CURRIE Princeton University JOSHUA GOODMAN Harvard University CLAUDIA PERSICO Northwestern University JEFFREY ROTH University of Florida/CALDER 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Session: 10.01 Teach for America's Impact Room: Conference Room 7, Third Floor Examining Spillover Effects from Teach for America Corps Members in Miami-Dade County Public Schools Authors: BEN BACKES American Institutes for Research/CALDER MICHAEL HANSEN American Institutes for Research/CALDER VICTORIA BRADY American Institutes for Research/CALDER ZEYU XU American Institutes for Research/CALDER Session: 10.03 Multiple Outcome Measures in Evaluations of School Choice Programs Room: Conference Room 8, Third Floor Do Charter Schools Create a Path to Success in College and Improve Earnings? Authors: KEVIN BOOKER Mathematica Policy Research TIM SASS Georgia State University/CALDER RONALD ZIMMER Vanderbilt University Session: 10.09 Teacher Responses to Teacher Evaluation Systems Room: Conference Room 16, Third Floor The Efficiency Gains from Using Proportional Evaluations to Shape the Teaching Workforce Authors: CORY KOEDEL University of Missouri-Columbia/CALDER JIAXI LI University of Missouri-Columbia Session: 10.10 Returns to Teaching Experience Room: Conference Room 12, Third Floor Community Returns to Teaching Experience: Improving Student Achievement and Motivation in Middle School Authors: HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER LUCY SORENSEN Duke University Teacher Performance Trajectories in High and Lower-Poverty Schools Authors: ZEYU XU American Institutes for Research/CALDER UMUT OZEK American Institutes for Research/CALDER MICHAEL HANSEN American Institutes for Research/CALDER Session: 10.11 Teacher Preparation Pathways and Teacher Labor Market Outcomes Room: Salon L, Third Floor Teacher Preparation Pathways and Teacher Labor Market Outcomes Authors: DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington-Bothell/CALDER JOHN KRIEG Western Washington University RODDY THEOBALD University of Washington-Bothell |