Tiffany Neill
Dr. Tiffany Neill is the Director of Accelerated Cohorts for Teaching Success (ACTS) at the University of Central Oklahoma which offers those seeking to change careers and enter education an opportunity to gain a master’s degree in education and certification to teach in Oklahoma. Dr. Neill also serves as Curriculum Manager at OpenSciEd focused on integrating computer science and science in a free and open curriculum at the middle school level and a research scientist at the University of Washington on the NSF funded grant, Advancing Coherent and Equitable Systems of Science Education. Neill began her career in education as a middle and high school teacher serving in both traditional and non-traditional school settings. She later assumed a position as an instructional specialist at the K20 Center for Community and Educational Renewal at the University of Oklahoma where she developed a state-wide program known as K20alt designed to support alternative education teachers around the state with innovative and effective approaches to instruction for at-promise students. In 2002, she joined the Oklahoma State Department of Education as the Director of Science and Engineering Education and served in the role for 5 years before becoming the Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction and later the Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction and serving on Cabinet for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. For over a decade, Neill led agency strategies on academic matters including state and federal policies and state and federal funds to drive student achievement for Oklahoma's 700,000 public school students and led Oklahoma Ready Together: An Action Plan for Supporting Students Through the Pandemic and Beyond.
Dr. Neill has been a national leader in science education. Neill served as the President of the Council of State Science Supervisors from 2017-2019 and she served on the President's STEM Advisory Board for NSF from 2020-22. She also served on the National Assessment Governing Board’s development panel to update the 2028 NAEP Science Assessment Framework. She recently served as a committee member for the National Academies of Science report, A Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future and Enhancing Science and is currently the co-chair of the federally commissioned National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine consensus study on K-12 STEM Education and Workforce Development in Rural Areas. Neill earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Northeastern State University in Oklahoma and a master’s in instructional leadership and academic curriculum from the University of Oklahoma, and a doctor of philosophy in education from the University of Oklahoma.