Darryl Hill
Darryl Hill is a partner at HCM Strategists, an impact-driven consulting firm focused on opportunities for improvement of social and economic mobility. He manages a portfolio focused on career competitive skills with an emphasis on postsecondary pathways, workforce development, STEM access and pathways, and emerging models of education. Before joining HCM, Darryl served as a senior program officer for measurement, learning and evaluation on the K-12 team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In this role, he worked closely with the Networks for School Improvement portfolio and the K-12 math delivery teams in collaboration with foundation grantees for data collection and performance analysis. Prior to joining the Gates Foundation, Darryl served as the assistant superintendent for school accountability and governance for the Fulton County Schools in Atlanta, Georgia, where he oversaw the assessment, accountability, data utilization, school governance, charter schools, and strategic planning departments. He also previously served as director of performance strategy and analytics for the Wake County Public School system in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he conducted applied research on several programs, among them the district’s mathematics placement, gifted and talented identification, and student assignment policies. As a Strategic Data Fellow through the Strategic Data Project at the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard, Darryl co-created a district framework that focused on the use of rigorous evidence in program planning and led to the use of randomized control trials for new district initiatives in Wake County.
Darryl is a member of the inaugural cohort of the Gates Millennium Scholars and began his career in education as an academic coach supporting high school students in mathematics. He maintains ties to the mathematics community as a board member for the Art of Problem Solving Initiative, which aims to improve the outcomes of marginalized youth in advanced mathematics. Darryl also maintains strong ties to the academic research community by serving on the board of directors for the Society for Research on Education Effectiveness, the National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research Policymakers Council, the Strategic Data Project Alumni Council, and by having previously served on the board of directors for the Association for Education Finance and Policy. Darryl holds bachelor’s degrees in psychology and business administration from Florida A&M University, master’s degrees in business and education from Florida A&M, and a Master of Education in Education Policy and a Doctor of Education degree in Education Policy, Leadership, and Instructional Practice from Harvard University.