CALDER Presentation
Albuquerque, New Mexico
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 8:50 AM Panel Paper: Virtually Large: The Effects of Class Size in Online College Courses Location: Aztec (Convention Center) Authors: ERIC BETTINGER Stanford University CHRIS DOSS Stanford University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER ERIC TAYLOR Stanford University Panel Paper: The Educational Consequences of Having a Severely Disabled Sibling Location: Galisteo (Convention Center) Authors: SANDRA E. BLACK University of Texas Austin DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER JONATHAN GURYAN Northwestern University KRZYSZTOF KARBOWNIK Northwestern University JEFFREY ROTH University of Florida 9:10 AM Panel Paper: Charter High Schools' Effects on Long-Term Attainment and Earnings Location: Enchantment I (Convention Center) Authors: RON ZIMMER Vanderbilt University KEVIN BOOKER Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. BRIAN GILL Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. TIM SASS Georgia State University/CALDER 10:15 AM Panel Paper: The Evolution of Charter School Quality Location: Enchantment I (Convention Center) Authors: STEVEN RIVKIN University of Illinois, Chicago/CALDER PATRICK BAUDE University of Illinois, Chicago MARCUS CASEY University of Illinois, Chicago ERIC HANUSHEK Stanford University/CALDER 10:35 AM Panel Paper: The Evolving Charter School Sector in North Carolina Location: Enchantment I (Convention Center) Authors: HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER CHARLES CLOTFELTER Duke University/CALDER JACOB VIGDOR University of Washington/CALDER 10:55 AM Panel Paper: Educational Goods and Charter Schools Location: Enchantment I (Convention Center) Authors: SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER M. HARRY BRIGHOUSE University of Wisconsin and Adam Swift, University of Warwick 1:00 PM Panel Paper: Understanding the STEM Pipeline Location: Galisteo (Convention Center) Authors: TIM SASS Georgia State University/CALDER 1:20 PM Panel Paper: The Impact of Accountability on Teacher Academic Ability, Encouraging Long Term Evidence Location: Aztec (Convention Center) Authors: ANDREW MCEACHIN North Carolina State University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER HAMILTON LANKFORD State University of New York/Albany LUKE C. MILLER University of Virginia JIM WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER 2:00 PM Panel Paper: When Incentives Matter Too Much: Explaining Significant Responses to Irrelevant Information Location: Aztec (Convention Center) Authors: TOM AHN University of Kentucky JACOB VIGDOR University of Washington/CALDER 2:45 PM Panel Paper: Five-Year Impacts of North Carolina's Early Childhood Programs on Developmental Trajectories of Educational Outcomes Location: Cimarron (Convention Center) Authors: KENNETH DODGE Duke University HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER CLARA MUSCHKIN Duke University | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th 8:50 AM Panel Paper: Strategic Staffing: How Accountability Pressures Affect the Distribution of Teachers within Schools and Resulting Student Achievement Location: Enchantment Ballroom C (Hyatt) Authors: JASON A. GRISSOM Vanderbilt University DEMETRA KALOGRIDES Stanford University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER 9:10 AM Panel Paper: Changing Distributions: How Online College Classes Alter Student and Professor Performance Location: Galisteo (Convention Center) Authors: ERIC TAYLOR Stanford University LINDSAY FOX Stanford University SUSANNA LOEB Stanford University/CALDER ERIC BETTINGER Stanford University 11:15 AM Panel Paper: Who Transfers and Where Do They Go? Community College Students in Florida Location: Aztec (Convention Center) Authors: BACKES, B. American Institutes for Research/CALDER DUNLOP VELEZ, E. RTI International 1:30 PM Panel Paper: Immigrants in Public Education: A Closer Look at Cross-Generational Differences Location: Laguna (Convention Center) Authors: UMUT ÖZEK American Institutes for Research/CALDER DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER 1:50 PM Panel Paper: Inconvenient Truth? Do Collective Bargaining Agreements Help Explain the Mobility of Teachers within School Districts? Location: Galisteo (Convention Center) Authors: DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington/Center for Education Data and Research/CALDER LESLEY LAVERY Macalester College RODDY THEOBALD Center for Education Data and Research/University of Washington 2:10 PM Panel Paper: The Effects of School Turnaround In North Carolina: A Regression Discontinuity Approach Location: Dona Ana (Convention Center) Authors: JENNIFER ANN HEISSEL Northwestern University HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Symposium: Education Policy: Learning from Other Countries Location: Cimarron (Convention Center) JANE WALDFOGEL Columbia University HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER JAMES LIEBMAN Columbia University ROBERT SCHWARTZ Harvard University | SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 8:30 AM Panel Paper: The Uneven Implementation of Universal School Policies: Maternal Education and Florida's Mandatory Grade Retention Policy Location: Dona Ana (Convention Center) Authors: CHRISTINA LICALSI-LABELLE Northwestern University DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER 8:50 AM Panel Paper: The Effects of Negative Equity on Children's Educational Outcomes Location: Cimarron (Convention Center) Authors: ASHLYN NELSON Indiana University VICKI BEEN New York University INGRID GOULD ELLEN New York University DAVID FIGLIO Northwestern University/CALDER STEPHEN L. ROSS University of Connecticut AMY ELLEN SCHWARTZ New York University LEANNA STIEFEL New York University Panel Paper: Hold Back to Move Forward? Early Grade Retention and Student Misbehavior Location: Dona Ana (Convention Center) UMUT ÖZEK American Institutes for Research/CALDER 10:15 AM Panel Paper: The Impact of Layoff Threat on Teacher Mobility Location: Aztec (Convention Center) Authors: DAN GOLDHABER University of Washington/Center for Education Data and Research/CALDER KATHARINE O. STRUNK University of Southern California 10:35 AM Panel Paper: Do Employers Prefer Workers Who Attended for-Profit Colleges? Evidence from a Field Experiment Location: Dona Ana (Convention Center) Authors: RAJEEV DAROLIA University of Missouri CORY KOEDEL University of Missouri/CALDER PACO MARTORELL RAND Corporation KATIE WILSON RAND Corporation 11:15 AM Panel Paper: Minimizing Harm from Teacher Layoffs through Strategically Allocating Class Sizes Based on Performance Location: Aztec (Convention Center) Authors: MICHAEL HANSEN American Institutes for Research/CALDER 1:45 PM Panel Paper: Local School Councils, Principal Retention, and Student Outcomes Location: Cimarron (Convention Center) Authors: DEREK LAING Syracuse University STEVEN RIVKIN University of Illinois, Chicago/CALDER JEFFREY SCHIMAN University of Illinois, Chicago JASON WARD University of Illinois, Chicago 1:45 PM-3:15 PM Panel: Race, Class, and Immigration Status in Higher Education Location: Brazos (Convention Center) TIM SASS Georgia State University/CALDER BEN BACKES American Institutes for Research/CALDER GEMA ZAMARRO University of Arkansas 2:25 PM Panel Paper: The Effects of Teacher Reform on Student Achievement: Evidence from the District of Columbia Location: Aztec (Convention Center) MELINDA ADNOT University of Virginia THOMAS DEE Stanford University VERONICA KATZ University of Virginia JIM WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER 2:25 PM Panel Paper: Teach for America and the Development of School Leadership Location: Cimarron (Convention Center) GREGORY BRANCH University of Texas, Dallas. ERIC HANUSHEK Stanford University/CALDER STEVEN RIVKIN University of Illinois, Chicago 2:25 PM Panel Paper: What Role Do Public Universities Play in Educational Inequality: Evidence from North Carolina Location: Brazos (Convention Center) Authors: JACOB VIGDOR University of Washington/CALDER Charles Clotfelter HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER 2:45 PM Panel Paper: Education Reform and Student Achievement in the District of Columbia: Three Sources of Evidence Location: Aztec (Convention Center) MELINDA ADNOT University of Virginia THOMAS DEE Stanford University VERONICA KATZ University of Virginia JIM WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER 4:10 PM Panel Paper: The Effects of Performance-Based Compensation: Evidence from the Ohio Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF) Location: Aztec (Convention Center) Authors: THOMAS DEE Stanford University ALEXANDER SMITH University of Virginia JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER 4:30 PM Panel Paper: Teacher Incentive Fund Impacts on Teacher Retention in Virginia Location: Aztec (Convention Center) ALLISON ATTEBERRY University of Colorado, Boulder JAMES WYCKOFF University of Virginia/CALDER Time Not Specified Poster Paper: The Impact of School Failure on Non-Achievement Outcomes Location: Ballroom B (Convention Center) Authors: JOHN B. HOLBEIN Duke University HELEN LADD Duke University/CALDER |